|| श्री पाण्डुरंग विठ्ठल विजयते ||
18th Year Mettilotsava and Srinivasa Kalyana Celebration
(10th September 2022 : Hindu Temple of San Antonio)
with the blessings of
Shri Shri Satyatma Tirtha Swamiji & Shri Shri Sugunendra Tirtha Swamiji
Mettilotsava is a traditional function where devotees, singing keertanas and chanting Vedic hymns, ascend the steps leading to the temple and offer their worship to the Lord Almighty. This symbolizes virtually stepping up the ladder of spiritual path and finally attaining the Lotus feet of the almighty.
Come and join us in experiencing the bliss of this divine journey!
08:00 AM : Assembly at the Footsteps of the Hillock and start singing keertanas
PDF Links: Devanagari Kannada Tamil Telugu English (Harikathamrutasara, … Jaya Kolhapura)
8:30 AM : Performing Puje & Mangalarati to the first Mettilu and walk up the hill with Keertana/Veda Gosha
PDF Links: Devanagari Kannada Tamil Telugu English (Venkataramanane baaro, … Satiyumte)
10:15 AM: Srinivasa Kalyana Celebrations in the main temple with group recitation
PDF Links: Devanagari Kannada Tamil Telugu English (Srinivasa Kalyana, Stavaraja..)
11:15 AM: Maha Puje and Maha Naively
PDF Links: Devanagari Kannada Tamil Telugu English (Dvadasha Stotras 8, 3, 6)
12:30 PM: Maha Mangalarati and Teertha Prasada/Lunch
We request all devotees to participate in this great spiritual event and received the blessings of Shri Hari Vayu Gurugalu
🙏 कृष्णार्पणमस्तु 🙏
If you would like to volunteer for this event please contact the organizers below.
Please provide details for the seva and make the payment below yathaashakti.
Payment Options:
Zelle: [email protected]
(Pending) (Please enter your Payment methods data on the settings pages.)